Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I was thinking that in honor of Speed Week at the Bonneville Salt Flats, held every year by the Southern California Timing Association, that I would post a few videos I found about the history of the event. The SCTA was created in 1937 to regulate and limit racing on public streets. The SCTA made racing move to the dragstrip and salt flats. This year's pilgrimage to the salt flats at Bonneville commences August 8th through the 14th. I plan on taking the Pickle out there next year (car gods willing). My wife Tammy has already said she will pass on the trip because it involves driving in the Pickle through the Arizona desert with no A/C. Either way, I will be there.
*Note the comment the narrator (Alex Xydias, the founder of SoCal Speed Shop) makes at the beginning of the first video about how kids would take offense to the term "hot rod"; that a hot rod was "anything that lacked fenders and a muffler." These comments are almost identical to the complaints of hot rodders of today when their cars are called rat rods. It always amazes me how things in life are so cyclical.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Let why i recommended GT2510 rather use used turbo as listed at below.
We should understand every turbo build for different application. Mitsubishi engine considered short stroke engine which the bore size is 80mm and above . Stroke is short if compare to campro. Campro bore size is 76mm and stroke 88mm , this is long stroke engine . If apply turbo unit listed at below , you will experience boost kick in too early at below 2000 rpm. The power saturated after 4000 rpm. The turbine A/R has blocked the exhaust from flow fast. Means choking. Power drop at high rpm !!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Hi guys,
Many post up a question about how much my BOT kit cost . Alright , here i will list out all item cost and labour charge .
Unichip Q+ plus turbo module = Rm2600
New GT2510 ( hyrid) = Rm1500
0.5 bar wastegate = Rm300
New turbo header ( 2mm thick s/steel pipe ) Rm1200
S/steel piping 2" ( mandrel bent ) RM500
Welding labour charge Rm200
Steel braided hose for oil feed RM100
Oil sump oil drain modification = RM300 ( Aluminium welding and adaptor )
Oil drain pipe plus bracket = RM100
Hose joint 2" and 2.5" (RM50 per pieces) ( 5 pcs used ) = RM250
Super Hose clip S/steel ( bigger than normal)= RM12 x 20 = Rm240
injector Evo = Rm80
External Injector holder = RM90
Down pipe 2.5" pipe = RM200
O2 sensor flange = RM50
Labour charge = RM300
Intercooler 10" x 7" x 2" = RM450
TOtal - RM8460 !!
Blow off ( china made ) = various type RM300
So guy justify yourselves .... Not many ppl can breakdown as what i have done here ...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Well, sadly, all of the green house paint is off of the Pickle. The small dents are being worked out. Here are a few pictures.
Ron from Ron's Just Chevy's
was able to weld in all of the new sheet metal for the trunk. It has all been primered. It was originally primered grey, but was changed to black. It just looked cooler.
As the Pickle gets re-assembled, we need to replace some of the missing parts. Because the car is not a Chevy or Ford, the after-market for Pontiacs is limited to California Pontiac Restoration. And if you can't find it there you are screwed. So, I was off to Deer Valley Auto Parts, which is a salvage yard in Casa Grande.
I needed a hood release and found ONE on the very last 1950 Pontiac we came across.
So now all of the new bushings for the front end are on order and probably within the next couple of weeks we are going to fire up the engine for the first time. Stay tuned.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Hi guys ,
I got a set of campro manual gearbox kit for sale. The kit including clucth pedal , brake pedal, primary clutch pump ( firewall) , gearshift console , gearbox mounting , new gear FF & RR mounting bracket ( If neo need only RR ) , 8.5 inches clutch set , 8" flywheel and clutch braided hose. Offer price RM2200 (REVISED) . Suitable for gen 2 , waja ( 4g18 & campro ) , pesona and neo.
Reach me with this number 012-4095795 kevin
Hi guys ,
I got a set of campro manual gearbox kit for sale. The kit including clucth pedal , brake pedal, primary clutch pump ( firewall) , gearshift console , gearbox mounting , new gear FF & RR mounting bracket ( If neo need only RR ) , 8.5 inches clutch set , 8" flywheel and clutch braided hose. Offer price RM2500 . Reach me with this 012-4095795.
Hi all , So long never update anything . Today update some of add on stuff . I have found the turbo piping very hot when riding during day time. So i decide to wrap all the piping which inside engine bay with thermal wrap. And i also add on HKS blow off . I got the blow off modified and no such sharp blow off sound . Sound very gentle ... :) :)
Hi all , So long never update anything . Today update some of add on stuff . I have found the turbo piping very hot when riding during day time. So i decide to wrap all the piping which inside engine bay with thermal wrap. And i also add on HKS blow off . I got the blow off modified and no such sharp blow off sound . Sound very gentle ... :) :)