Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Pickle Make-Over

Well, sadly, all of the green house paint is off of the Pickle. The small dents are being worked out. Here are a few pictures.

Ron from Ron's Just Chevy's
was able to weld in all of the new sheet metal for the trunk. It has all been primered. It was originally primered grey, but was changed to black. It just looked cooler.

As the Pickle gets re-assembled, we need to replace some of the missing parts. Because the car is not a Chevy or Ford, the after-market for Pontiacs is limited to California Pontiac Restoration. And if you can't find it there you are screwed. So, I was off to Deer Valley Auto Parts, which is a salvage yard in Casa Grande.

I needed a hood release and found ONE on the very last 1950 Pontiac we came across.

So now all of the new bushings for the front end are on order and probably within the next couple of weeks we are going to fire up the engine for the first time. Stay tuned.


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